How to install the MinerPlus Proxy (yardos-agent) for Miner Monitoring

MinerPlus Proxy (yardos-agent) Installation

Step 1:

Prepare a NUC or machine with Cent OS 7.0 installed.

Step 2:

Log into the machine as the root user, then install yardos-agent by executing the following commands.

mkdir -p /ant/app
cd /ant/app
wget --content-disposition
tar zxf yardos-agent_1.3.28-10328-Stable-Linux.tar.gz
cd yardos-agent

Step 3:

At last, authority & restart YardOS-agent

Ensure that your machine has established internet access, then contact the MinerPlus team for an authorization code. It will look like this: NUC-D47333BA68AF460E8B18EDA11DDDB58D. Once you have a code, execute the commands below.

curl -k
systemctl restart yardos-agent

Once completed, the terminal will read 'success: true'. If it displays 'success: false', that means the authorization failed. Double check your network connection or ask the MinerPlus team for assistance.

